16.5. – Climate protection through right-wing open nuclear politics? No thanks!

7.30 pm – Online – Language: German

The nuclear phase-out in 2022 is imminent; after the triple GAU of Fukushima, even the last pro-nuclear voices seemed to have fallen silent. But in July 2020, a vocal initiative came forward with the call: “Stop the nuclear phase-out – save the climate”. Its spokeswoman, Anna Veronika Wendland, was able to spread its theses everywhere, from Junge Freiheit to Die Zeit, from Deutschlandradio to Bavarian Rundfunk.

The Anti-Atom-Büro presents its research on Nuklearia e.V. and safeGer6, among others, in which it came across ecomodernists, free-church men’s groups, the AfD and an energy policy open to the right.